In these studies, cartoons and humorous birthday cards of older individuals were analysed for their psychological responses.
He is thinking with and through his visual and material sources – paintings, prints, statues, magazines, cartoons, drawings, buildings, photographs, and diagrams.
Cheap one-page ballads, handbills and cartoons met the demands of the poorer end of the market.
Music programmes and animal films as well as sports coverage and children’s cartoons were now consciously used as instruments of political change.
The detailed discussions and descriptions in all the chapters are enlivened with photographs, diagrams, charts and, especially, cartoons.
The selection was exhaustive and covered even the cartoons.
Ideas were often vague or contradictory, because cartoons served as conceptual testing grounds.
However, in the majority of cartoons analysed, older individuals were neither praised nor slighted, but rather were portrayed in neutral roles.