Velvet Là Gì – Velvet Nghĩa Là Gì – Có Nghĩa Là Gì, Ý Nghĩa La Gi 2021

Velvet Là Gì – Velvet Nghĩa Là Gì

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Bài Viết: Velvet là gì

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Xem Ngay: Catering Là Gì

Something that is velvety has a beautiful soft, smooth quality or appearance, usually something dark or deep:
Import licences are not being issued at present for cotton piece goods other than sateens, velvets và velveteens.
Những quan điểm của những ví dụ không hề hiện quan điểm của những đổi thay viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của những nhà cấp phép.
I was particularly interested lớn hear from the benches opposite—perhaps for the first time—the great concern for the production và giảm giá ngay of luxury textiles, such as velvets.
Use of velvets, chiffons, satins, tulles và lace with ripped netting, sharply angled hemlines, và layered skirting have become the label”s trademark style.
She had a number of elegant gowns, many made of sumptuous velvets, và a fine collection of garments và linens.
His shoes were of bright crimson velvet, embroidered with silver, và set round the soals và binding with pearls.
Silk brocades và velvets for drapes và upholstery were manufactured at a workshop known as the kamhane.
Textiles with a decorative side (such as velvets và embroidered textiles) should always be rolled with the decorative side facing out.
The manufacture of silk-plush for hats và machine-made velvets was set up towards the end of the 19th century.
Surface couching replaced underside couching, và allover embroidery was replaced by individual motifs worked on linen và then applied lớn figured silks or silk velvets.
Ancient communists, whom the world has left behind, relax in their velvet seats, recalling the halcyon days of their youth và the struggles lớn build a new society.
With these dyes he began printing on velvets và silks và dyed them using a press that he invented with wooden blocks that he engraved the pattern onto.
Outer clothing và furnishings of woven silk brocades và velvets were ornamented with gold và silver embroidery in linear or scrolling patterns, applied bobbin lace và passementerie, và small jewels.
A few comments were received on the question of transport of deer in velvet on journeys up lớn 50 kilometres.
In 1989 và 1990, however, there was a virtually bloodless revolution—a series of velvet revolutions—và we must be eternally grateful for that.


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